Ticker-EDITOR allows a user to interactively input a single-line text moving on the screen (ticker), which can also contain images. Ticker always scrolls from the right to the left with a user-specified speed.  It consists of several lines that can be either displayed serially (one line after another) or merged together and displayed as one line. Ticker can be also stopped in the middle of the screen for a certain period of time.

Ticker can be placed anywhere on the screen and the ticker width can be set independently of the screen width.

The period during which ticker is displayed can be limited either by setting an exact time interval (in seconds) or number of repetitions. Ticker is not integrated in the playlist, so day and time to be played must be specified when sending the ticker. Ticker can be scheduled to be played instantly and/or at any time in future.
It is also possible to show several tickers in different layers simultaneously. The destinations, where the ticker should be displayed, are selected by the channel or the locations.


Schedulable Ticker-EDITOR

The schedulable Ticker-EDITOR works in the same way as Ticker-EDITOR. However, the schedulable ticker is a part of the playlist, so it is necessary to define how long (in seconds) the ticker should be played.